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Cherries can symbolize many things, including:
The sweet taste and rich red color of cherries represent romance. Cherries are often featured in romantic traditions across cultures.
Divine fruit
In religious and spiritual contexts, cherries symbolize divine fruit, sacrifice, renewal, and new beginnings.
Blood of Christ
In Christianity, cherries are often associated with the blood of Christ shed on the cross because of their deep red color.
In art, cherries symbolize purity, a sweet nature, tenderness, and blood that is yet to be shed.
Fertility and femininity
In old Buddhist stories, the cherry is representative of fertility and femininity.
In ancient mythology, the fruit of the cherry tree contains the elixir that gives the gods their immortality.
In the East, the cherry tree has always represented feminine beauty and prosperity.
Great teamwork
In Japan, cherry blossoms can symbolize great teamwork and what you can achieve.