Larimar, like many other light blue stones, will guide you to inner peace. It is a very nurturing and soothing stone, great at alleviating anxiety and any fears one might have. Leos are closely associated with larimar as the natural calming energy of the stone balances out Leo’s intense fire. If your throat chakra needs intense recalibration, meditating with larimar will realign it. Larimar is a rare form of the mineral pectolite and is only found in The Dominican Republic. The name derives from the “Larissa” (the name of the daughter of the man that discovered it) and “Mar” (sea in Spanish).
Spiritual Meaning (Keywords): Communication, Nurture, Tranquility
Chakra(s): Throat
Color(s): Light blue with white splotches
Chemical Formula: NaCa2Si3O8(OH)
Hardness: 4.5-5
Mineral Group: Silicates (Inosilicates)
Other Names: Volcanic blue pectolite, Larimar Stone